To Shut Up the Critics: What Obama's Done in a Year

A blow-by-blow breakdown of the young president's first year reveals that today's frustration stems not from a lack of policy so much as a lack of common ground. The myth of the American center looms in this, the second part of a week-long series on our country since the 2008 election.

1 comment:

  1. how are you in support of his bailouts, or the trillions of dollars given by the fed to unnamed institutions? haha, i know! you think that wallstreet = the real economy, don't you? man how do you buy that crap? "wall street is the engine of economic growth" MY ASS! who in their right mind can believe such nonsense. basically, the man allied himself with london and wall street to bailout the speculators. there is no 3.5% growth, it's a lie. we are still losing jobs every month! people hate the bastard because he's continuing bush's economics and has zealots like you that are completely blind or dumb or whatever to back him up.

    here's a lesson for you: if a company shows a profit but physically has a loss, there is a fraud going on. that is how financial speculators have managed to completely destroy america's economy. we live in a physical economy, in the real world. not in the virtual casino called the markets. obama is horrible because he sided with summers and geithner to continue to destroy the physical economy so they can save the markets. the real solution is to impose glass-steagall (which the dream team opposes) and separate the investment banks from the banks (again)! this president is no FDR even though he often likes to compare himself to him. they're trying to save the thing that's destroying us at our expense and they ignorantly think it's the right thing to do. or, maybe, it has to do with all the people in the treasury department that made tens of millions from wall street last year... hmmmm.
